Friday, November 26, 2010

The Law of Attraction

Most of you may have already heard of the law of attraction. If not, you have to go get the movie, The Secret. Or...follow my other blog. :)

Whether you know a little bit, a lot or even nothing about the Law of Attraction, it's working in your life. Just like the law of gravity....which is definitely working in my life!! The law of attraction, simply put, means 'like attracts like'. Good thoughts bring good things. If you're thinking crappy thoughts, especially about how you perceive your current reality, you're probably drawing in much of the same.

In order to properly use the law of attraction, to bring all the goodies your way, you kind of have to fake it til you make it. Put your head in the clouds, sing, dance and shout for joy. Then you'll begin to change your reality.

Think all this sounds crazy???

Maybe it is, a little. But, it works! It works wonders, like magic! Like miracles every day. And this is not some crazy mumbo jumbo new-age crap. Just because you haven't heard about it already, doesn't make it untrue.

The reason I post about this here, is because you can use the law of attraction in your life to create or bring about anything. Anything in your heart's desire.

This includes opportunities (the right ones!), money, relationships, more time, etc. You can't just snap your fingers and have it work, though. It takes some practice and some rearrangement of your brain. There's a science here, and I'm actually talking about scientific proof, like stuff your kids or grandkids will one day read about in their textbooks at school.

So, if you'd like to know more about how you can use the law of attraction in your life, I encourage you to begin by checking out some of the articles on my other blog: Beginner Holistic Healing. There's a contest you can enter as well. (Big banner at the top of the page.) This will get you 3 months free in our law of attraction community where you can begin learning from the top experts about how to use certain tools to enhance your experience.

If you've ever wanted your life to be great, the time is NOW! We can do it. Please comment or email with questions. This is the most exciting thing ever! Go check out the blog!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Heard about The Secret? Get involved with vision board training.
Need 3 people to become certified Vision Board Experience trainers.
All you inspirational folks should check into this!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Contest software for your blog or website that makes getting traffic a breeze!
Enter to win a free PC game. Video games are fun. You know you want it!
Checking out my new settings. I'm going to see just how many people I can annoy all at once!