Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Make Money Online by Starting a Group in a Social Network

Most of the ways you'll end up making money online are not direct. Indirect customers will come to you when you have something else that they are attracted to. Whether it's your compelling personality, a free sample, or even free information. Well, I'm not so sure my personality is compelling, so I go with free information.

I've started a group on Facebook, and a group on MySpace, and a group on Gather, offering information on how to make money online. Since I do my best to stay away from the scams, and only offer legitimate opportunities, I feel like this free information is valid to so many people looking to get into making money online. Also, these three groups offer different information, and some invite others to add their own legitimate at home money opportunities, so if you'd like to join, feel free to join all three.

So, it is my hope that people will join my groups, tell all their friends what a great resource they have found, and the membership will grow exponentially. Do you see where I'm going with this? Feel free to join my groups, but you might also start your own. Figure out what you know a lot about, and then figure out how to make money with it. Whether it's affiliate programs, or direct opportunities, help people understand why your opportunity is the best one for them to join.

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